Saturday, June 27, 2009

Further comments

The things I enjoyed most with 23 things were:-
Week 5 - books online - Librarything and Librivox
Week 9 - U tube (lots of fun and a big time waster) and I already had a love of podcasts and had subscribed to Radio National podcasts and Cochrane podcasts
The week that was most frustrating
Week 3 - photos and images - I found it very time consuming trying to work out what I was doing
The week I would have loved some help with
Week 4 - The links weren't working, I couldn't get a bloglines account going from my home computer but did manage to get one going from work - but haven't yet subscribed to any newsfeeds - hope to do that this week

Sunday Summary

Well! This is week 10 of 23 things and I have attempted everything. I haven't achieved success in everything though and some things after a cursory glance I decided not to bother pursing - namely Facebook and MySpace. The thought of creating more passwords and accounts defeated me. I can see if you are trying to get a message out - linking blogs with Facebook / MySpace and Twittering about it will provide more opportunities for people to 'hit' on your message - though with everyone using this medium to get 'messages' out the probability they will 'hit' on your message must be severely reduced or otherwise it must be a very important message or have some popular appeal. These social networking sites have certainly enabled the Iranians to get their message out to the rest of the world. Thank goodness for the sites existence in this instance. However I still have yet to determine how I could employ the sites in a useful way in my work.
Good thing today though - I have discovered Dig radio and I might just blog about this for my activity 7 exercise.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Delicious and Technorati

Delicious is very useful as I work in two locations. Having my bookmarked webpages available wherever I am will be great. Not quite sure why I would wish to share my bookmarks but maybe this will happen as I use the site more. Tried accessing Technorati but when a pop up box insisted that I had 'won' something and I could only get rid of it by exiting the site I decided it wasn't something I wished to explore.

Books Online

I did enjoy the Books Online session. I'm trying to recall what I did and enjoyed about this session as it is now a couple of weeks ago. I can remember it being a late night as I was thoroughly immersed. I did create an account, 'catalogue' some books, browse through some collections, join a group and read some comments in Library Thing. I daren't take a peek to refresh my memory as I will become thoroughly distracted and still be sitting here after midnight. I also liked the idea of LibriVox and downloaded 'Enchanted April' to my Ipod. Though it was a little disconcerting listening to an American accent when the setting is England in the 1940s. I do love audiobooks, radio plays etc so I think this may become a favourite site. Not sure what I got out of GoogleBooks though I do recall looking for Aphra Behn. My favourite session so far.